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Andy's Story
Hector's House holds a close personnel bond to one of our society members. Andy shares his story and experience with you below.
"About 6 years ago, a black cat started to turn up at our front door at 4am every day. I fed him every time he turned up, as he was very skinny and obviously a stray but streetwise cat. As we already had cats, we decided to call him Wilson. A few months ago he arrived with a nasty wound on the side of his neck. Obviously, being a streetwise cat, he would not let us near him."
"So, we contacted Hector's House Cat Rescue, who provided a trap, and after a few days, we caught him. At 6am, we rang the number we'd been given, and within an hour, they had collected him. Hector's House were amazing. They arranged for Wilson to receive laser therapy, which lasted several weeks. He was microchipped, neutered and given flea and worm treatment. We had already said we'd like to adopt him, and several weeks later, we brought him home. He still needed another 4 weeks of treatment and injections before he was allowed out."
"Wilson is now beginning to settle into his forever home. We cannot thank Hector's House enough for their care and patience.
"If you have spare cash for this worthy cause, please either donate via the 'Donate Here' button on this page alternatively there will be collection buckets at each of our productions if you wish to donate during a show night instead. Every penny counts. Thank you."
Pictured Left to Right: Andy Tinkler, Kelly Percival (S.A.D.S. Fundraising Officer), Charlie Percival, Jemma Nyquist (S.A.D.S. Treasurer), Kim (Hector's House Representative).
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